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Bachelor's degree programme credits The year of study is to develop the perceptive and creative faculties, impart the methodology of impart the methodology of architectural grounding in the natural sciences, in the natural sciences, technology and the humanities and social. PARAGRAPHPlease address all your questions regarding the admission and application of study is to develop.

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Can you transfer crypto from gemini to wallet Gottfried Semper, not only a successful architect of monumental buildings but also an established theorist and teacher, was appointed the first professor and director of the Building School. Toggle limited content width. Entry into the programme is only possible in the fall. They are also employed in construction companies, administration and large businesses, and work in the fields of design, art and culture. Bachelor in Architecture The bachelor education in architecture takes three years. Bachelor in Architecture Master in Architecture The master education in architecture lasts two years and should be supplemented with an additional six-month internship period.
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Bachelor's degree programme ( credits). The aim in the first year of study is to develop the perceptive and creative faculties, impart the methodology of. Specialised Master � Architecture � Civil Engineering � Environmental Engineering � Geomatics � Integrated Building Systems � Landscape Architecture � Spatial. Master Architecture � Language of instruction � Credits | duration � Academic title � Qualifying disciplines � Requirement profile � Detailed information.
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The Master develops theoretical knowledge, innovative methods and tools, and practical problem-solving skills to be able to manage these resources sustainably. This basic knowledge is expanded in the second and third years. Using a tensioned cable net as falsework and tailored fabric as shuttering, this novel system was tested in a full-scale constructrion prototype built at ETH in ITA's Robotic Fabrication Laboratory in